The MQi S is an electric smart scooter created by electric scooter brand NIU from China. The company was founded in 2014 by the former CTO of Baidu (the Chinese Google) and a former employee of Microsoft. The company is listed on NASDAQ and provides exceptionally high-quality and durable products.
The MQi S is a light version of the widely popular MQi-Series.
The MQi-Series has a smaller and lighter design than the NQi-Series and is made for efficient zipping around busy urban areas. Compared with the old M-Series, the design has been improved to make the scooter lighter and stronger and the scooter is equipped with many new technologies for safety, comfort and efficiency.
We set out to build a single-rider vehicle that was both aesthetically pleasing and incredibly durable. Every element has been chosen to play a role in both the form and durability.
Xe tay ga có động cơ điện Bosch 800 watt với tốc độ tối đa 20 km/h. Động cơ cung cấp mô-men xoắn 95 Nm.
The MQi S has a removable 26 Ah lithium battery for a driving range of 70 km. The battery is of the same type as the batteries in the Tesla Model S. NIU provides 2 years warranty on the battery.
Smart Scooter
The MQi S is a true smart scooter that connects to a smart phone. Everything from battery monitoring to GPS to ride history, the NIU app keeps the driver connected and up-to-date with the whereabouts and health of the MQi. The app provides in an anti-theft system that warns the driver when the scooter is moved. With GPS it is possible to track the position of the scooter in real time.
Xe tay ga được trang bị hệ thống hỗ trợ phanh EBS với khoảng cách dừng hoàn toàn là 1,8 mét (từ 20 km/h).
Xe tay ga chống nước và có thể lội qua nước. Xe được chứng nhận có độ sâu lội nước lên tới 300 mm.
Dòng MQi-Series có điều khiển hành trình, trợ lý đỗ xe, hệ thống cảnh báo an toàn dựa trên cảm biến và nhiều tính năng thông minh khác. Xe có điều khiển từ xa để định vị trong bóng tối. Khi nhấn, đèn xe sẽ bật và phát ra âm thanh.
The scooter has a digital dashboard.
The scooter has two driving modes: Eco and Performance.
The scooter has a Kinetic Energy Recovery System (KERS) or regenerative braking in which energy from braking is returned to the battery.
Dòng MQI-Series có nhiều tính năng an toàn mới, bao gồm đèn LED tự động cho ổ khóa và chân chống thông minh.
Dòng MQi-Series có vòng sáng 360° quanh xe để cải thiện an toàn cho người đi bộ khi lái xe trong các khu vực đông đúc về đêm.
The MQi S is available in many colors.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped worldwide. NIU has a global dealership network that can provide reliable service in most countries.
MQi Model Series
2025 NIU Dòng xe
Old Models
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