roo (chia sẻ BICAR của bạn)
The roo is an innovative three-wheeled electric microcar from startup BICAR from Switzerland. The scooter started as a project by Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW).
The scooter has solar panels on the roof and the front and is the first vehicle in the world that can drive continuously using only solar power.
The scooter has a 2.000 watt in-wheel electric motor from GEM Motors in the rear-wheel. The scooter has a limited top speed of 45 km/h.
The scooter has easy swappable Lithium batteries that make it possible to operate the scooter 24/7 by using multiple batteries.
The scooter is designed for scooter sharing and the software provides in easy to use fleet management solutions. Drivers can use the scooter via an app on their mobile phone and the dashboard of the scooter is provided via an app on the mobile phone of the driver.
The scooter is easy to use for less experienced drivers. A three-wheeler provides extra stability and braking power for increased safety.
The scooter provides space for shopping bags and can be an ideal companion for exploring cities. The scooter protects the driver from rain and snow.
The scooter can be ordered in any color and with a custom business print. The scooter can be customized to meet specific business requirements.
The scooter can be ordered online and is shipped world wide.
2025 BICAR Dòng xe
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